Infocontainer — Where does Energy Come From?


Outdoor exhibition,

Diersch & Schröder GmbH,

University of the Arts Bremen

The history and future of energy in 10 stations: The tour begins with the dark path of fossil fuels. Arrived at the end of this path, the visitors go through the energy transition with a 180° turn and look in the direction of a greener future.

At the stations, visitors discover the key facts on the subject of energy with hands-on interactions: What is energy anyway? What is primary and what is secondary energy? And how long will existing resources such as oil, gas, coal and uranium last if we continue to use as much energy as we have up until now?
Christoph Geiger

Janine Wagner | Diersch & Schröder

Hendrik Weiner | raumdialog

The project was supervised by Prof. Roland Lambrette,
University of the Arts Bremen